Friday, May 31, 2013

IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2012: Now You Know!

The IMD Business School in Lausanne, Switzerland just released its yearbook on world competitiveness.  Understanding that I am very wary of list rankings (e.g. the USA Today List of Top Colleges), this one looks like it has some creds in the international economic sphere. 

I won't go into trying to mine this long document, but I noticed a section, 3.5.01, called "Attitudes and Values," which has results germane to points in yesterday's post.

"Attitudes towards globalization in your society are generally positive/negative," ranks Ireland at the top of 59 countries for being positive.  The country at the bottom?  France!

The British are always roundly criticized among the EU elite for being anti-Europe and anti-globalization of markets, yet Britain ranks middle of the pack.  Interesting.

Another survey question asks "The need for economic and social reforms is generally well understood/not well understood in your country."  At the top of the list for being well understood is Ireland, and again at the bottom, France.

Just coincidentally, this speaks to the point made yesterday that even a respected and insightful central banker like the Governor of the Banque de France is really swimming upstream as he speaks about the need to improve French competitiveness.

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