Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Catching Up With the Financial Press: Nothing Has Changed

U.S. equity markets have had five consecutive record closes. Governments in the U.S. and Europe continue to view financial sector public companies as ATM machines, with a steady stream of announcements of higher reserves for legal settlements.  Everybody's happy.  Where are we now compared to the dark days of 2006-2007?

  • Our banking system is more concentrated than ever, with the top 4 banks controlling 47% of domestic banking assets.  Weighed down by an unending stream of regulatory and capital constraints, their business models need revision. 
  • Despite all the research on the role of Fannie Mae and its central role in the subprime mortgage debacle, no meaningful diminution of its role has occurred through legislation or regulation. According to Goldman Sachs in "The Mortgage Analyst," May 2014: "Mortgages implicitly or explicitly guaranteed by the government are 90% of all loans originated, compared to two-thirds before the crisis." To cap it off, a new executive has called for Fannie to once again increase home ownership by loosening credit standards!
  • QE has been a windfall to some market participants but a policy bust.  Even career Fed watchers can't make sense of pronouncements about the path of interest rates.  We have long said there is no fundamental economic case for raising rates. Minneapolis Fed President Kocherlakota let the cat of the bag first when the noted that the Fed couldn't right size its balance sheet for decades.  
  • Europe's Fed-lite and QE-lite have been even worse failures, and their banking system still hasn't done its penance.  What's worse, economic fundamentals remain weak, with capital spending reflecting the negative sentiment of business executives.  
  • The marriage of IFRS and GAAP was called off when bride and groom refused to show and the minister went home.  More than a decade worth of meetings, workshops, presentations, interim proposals, and investors have more verbiage and less clarity in disclosures than ever.  
  • The IMF, of all players, has opined that a risk heat map for some markets like high yield, leveraged loans, and even corporate bonds show levels comparable to the 2006-2007 peaks!
I'm going to cut the list off at this point, but you get the picture, dear reader.  Words over action, form over substance, special interest politics above all, that's 'market reform' American style. 

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