Thursday, September 18, 2014

Alibaba: Open Sesame To the Uber Humongous IPO

In a recent post about emerging markets as an asset class for foreign equity investors, we wrote about some things they should look for in selecting their markets and their issuers:
"In order to translate these into growth in corporate earnings and portfolio returns, investors need: political stability, strong respect for property rights, effective dispute resolution, a predictable regulatory and tax regime, a positive foreign investment climate, efficient markets, strong corporate governance, reliable corporate auditing and financial reporting, ethical managements, transparent corporate structures, and economies balanced between exports and internal consumption. Divining the strengths and weaknesses of an EM in these areas can only be done by active management, with experience in the markets, boots on the ground and a disciplined investment process." 

Despite the fact that the Alibaba IPO will be a record breaker in all investment banker metrics, it seems to lack these basic, critical features and it seems ripe for momentum investors and flippers, aka hedge funds.

A June 2014 staff report of the U.S.-China Economic Security Review Commission goes into the issues clearly and raises the potential legal, investment and governance issues for U.S. investors.  The Chinese government itself makes it a public policy to keep foreign equity investors in disadvantaged positions in their companies.  Yet, Chinese Internet companies have pursued foreign listings with a structure called Variable Interest Entities, which the report says may in fact be illegal under Chinese law.

Templeton's Mark Mobius points out the two-tier equity structure that clearly entrenches management and gives it and the preferred class effective control over corporate assets.  Disputes, he notes, must be settled in Chinese courts, despite the overseas listings.  Good luck with that venue for the poor common equity investor.

The reporter interviewing Mr. Mobius notes that Hong Kong regulators passed on allowing Alibaba to list on their exchange, in part because of the opaque corporate structure.  Asked why U.S. regulators allowed the listing on NYSE, he quietly notes several points, which I may paraphrase a bit:

  • U.S. markets have never reformed, post-crisis.
  • U.S. regulators serve their customers, namely the broker-dealers and their investment bankers.
  • Out equity markets are driven by short-term investors who will flip the shares.
Ironically, some part of Templeton may get a few shares and flip them too.  If they are passing out free candy, why not take it?  But, the comments are sobering coming from one of the oldest companies in the emerging foreign equity investment business. 

Professor Anant Sundaram of Tuck Business School has made comments on the deal from the governance standpoint that worth reading, published in Barron's and the New York Times. 

When Ali Baba opened the door, it was to a wonderful land.  It will remain so until the door closes and investors long to return to the other side.  

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